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Archive | Hearing Loss

Mental Health Awareness Week

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week! We couldn’t think of a better time for everyone to show their support. Mental Health problems can affect anyone. The issues don’t have a favourite gender, a specified income or a preferential age bracket. Anyone can suffer, and too many choose to do so silence. This week is your chance to have a chat with Read More…

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The Importance of Measuring Noise: A Real-Life Story

At Cirrus Research, we have been following the case of a viola player who suffered a life-changing hearing injury that left him unable to work or even listen to his own son play, after he won a landmark High Court judgement against the Royal Opera House (ROH). Read about this real-life case and learn how we can help you to protect your employees from irreparable damage to their ears.

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Noise Changes Lives: The Story of Our Campaign to Reduce Noise Induced Hearing Loss

The Story of Our Campaign to Reduce Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Noise is pretty easy to quantify but very hard to illustrate. For the last 40 years Cirrus has built its business and reputation on accurately monitoring and recording sound but had precious little to work with when it came to visually illustrating noise. That was always the challenge for our marketing department.

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Supporting Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Earlier this summer, a team from Cirrus entered the annual Dragon Boat races organised by The Rotary Club of Scarborough and despite being novices at Dragon Boat racing (it’s not something we do every day!), the team got through to the A-Finals and finished a creditable 7th (we think)! As part of the races, we were fund raising for our supported Read More…

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