We’re Hiring: Calibration and Service Laboratory Manager

Calibration and Service Laboratory Manager job advert

Based at our headquarters in Yorkshire, the Service Department conducts a mix of annual calibration, repair, service and upgrade to customer instruments as well as testing and proving new product designs, prototypes and first off batch production units. Due to expansion, we are seeking a full time Laboratory Manager.

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NoiseNews Round-Up: Noisiest Dogs, Pokémon Go, Cinema Snacks & Opera

NoiseNews Round-Up: Noisiest Dogs, Pokémon Go, Cinema Snacks & Opera

Yes, it’s me – The Noise Doctor. I’m back with the NoiseNews Round-Up. I’ll be bringing you some of the latest and quirkiest noise-related news stories from around the world. In this edition, I’m looking at the top 10 noisiest dogs, Pokémon Go, cinema snacks and opera. Let’s get started.

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North West Hotspots for Noise Nuisance Complaints [Infographic]

North West Hotspots for Noise Nuisance Complaints [Infographic]

Cirrus Research has been involved in an interesting project that looks at noise nuisance across the North West. Some of you might remember that we did a similar exercise last year for Yorkshire; this time around we went across the Pennines to see what kind of data we could retrieve from the Local Authorities there.

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Cirrus Research – Noise Measurement Pioneers for Over 45 Years [Video]

screenshot of cirrus research our story video

Since 1970, Cirrus’ mission has been to make monitoring noise simple. More than 45 years later, we thought it was time to look back at our story so far and see what we have achieved. Join us by watching our video, which explores our history and what makes us the noise measurement pioneers that we are today.

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What is an Anechoic Chamber and How Quiet Can It Be?

What is an Anechoic Chamber and How Quiet Can It Be?

One of the things that we often talk about when we’re running our CPTC (Cirrus Product Training Courses) is how our hearing works and we often end up talking about how, if there’s no ambient sound, we can feel uncomfortable and can become disoriented very quickly. One of the best (or maybe the worst) places to experience this is in an Read More…

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Cirrus Product Training Courses for 2016

Noise Academy Training Courses

Get up to speed with your Cirrus noise measurement equipment and find out how to get the best from your investment. Once you’ve purchased your Cirrus sound level meter or doseBadge kit, you’ll want to get the best from it and make sure that you’re using it to its full potential. That’s where our CPTC or Cirrus Product Training Courses come in. Read More…

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Optimus and Invictus are the Classic Combination [Case Study]

Haçienda Classical Concert

Imagine a perfect summer’s evening with a 40-strong classical orchestra playing to an appreciative audience in a leafy green park. So far, so very English. Add in the fact the Park is in the heart of Lancaster city surrounded by thousands of homes and the orchestra is playing sets of the Hacienda’s classic 90s house music hits and you can understand the headache facing Acoustic Consultant Chris Selkirk on his latest noise monitoring project.

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Certification LNE selon les normes CEI 61672-1:2013 et CEI 61260:1995 pour les sonomètres optimus rouge et optimus vert

Cirrus Optimus LNE Approval to the new sound level meter standards

Cirrus est heureux d’annoncer que les gammes de sonomètres optimus rouge et optimus vert de Classe 1 ont été certifies conformes par le LNE selon la norme actuelle CEI 61672-1:2013 (et la publication correspondante NF EN 61672-1:2014). Les appareils ont été vérifiés et certifiés par le LNE, le laboratoire nationale de métrologie et d’essais de France. Cette certification prolonge la Read More…

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LNE Type Approval to IEC 61672-1:2013 & IEC 61260:1995 for the Optimus Red & Optimus Green

Cirrus Optimus LNE Approval to the new sound level meter standards

We’re pleased to announce that the Class 1 Optimus Green and Class 1 Optimus Red Sound Level Meters have passed the latest round of Type Approval Tests and have been certified as meeting the latest version of the sound level meter standard, IEC 61672-1:2013 (and the corresponding NF EN 61672-1:2014 publication). The instruments have been tested and certified by the LNE, Read More…

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