What’s the difference between echo and reverberation?

What’s the difference between echo and reverberation?

This is a question that we get asked quite regularly, especially from customers who are coming across the measurement of reverberation for the first time. I recently came across a simple, clear explanation that was written by Harout Taghilian who is an Acoustic Consultant at Ramboll. Harout wrote: A lot of people are confused about the difference between reverberation and Read More…

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Health & Safety Event 2018: The Future of Noise & Vibration Monitoring

optimus+ sound level meter

Cirrus is excited to be exhibiting at this year’s Health & Safety Event 2018 takes place at Birmingham’s NEC from 10th to 12 April. We’ll be unveiling new products, features and services to provide you with a complete solution noise and vibration at work measurement solution, as well as celebrating our shortlisting as finalists in the Safety & Health Excellence Award for Campaign of the Year.

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Traceable calibration of vibration meters

Traceable calibration of vibration meters

If you are using vibration measurement instruments to meet regulations such as The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations, it’s essential that your equipment is measuring accurately and that you are getting data on which you can rely. As with any measurement equipment, calibration is an essential part of the process of gathering accurate data and making informed decisions as Read More…

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New Vibration Meter Calibration Services

New Vibration Calibration Services from Cirrus

New Vibration Calibration Services from Cirrus Research Cirrus is pleased to introduce a new offering to its range of calibration services which now covers the verification of vibration measurement instruments. This new capability offers traceable calibration for vibration measurement instruments, such as those used for Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) and Whole-Body assessments and gives users who are measuring both noise and Read More…

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World Hearing Day 2018: Hear the Future and Prepare for It

World Hearing Day 2018 graphic

It seems that there literally isn’t a day goes by that there isn’t some kind of awareness campaign, anniversary or PR-driven message. National Sausage Week, Shop ‘Til You Drop Day, Peculiar People Day – you name it, somewhere in the world we celebrate it. One day however that is a little closer to home for me takes place this week March 3 – World Hearing Day 2018. 

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Cirrus Helping to Stop Residents Getting in a Lather Over Car Wash [Case Study]

car being hand washed

Environmental noise is part of every-day life, from traffic in city centres, children playing at school break time to church bells ringing on a Sunday morning. None of these activities may sound particularly ear-shattering but they have one thing in common – they have all attracted noise nuisance complaints at one time or another. Not every noise is deemed a Read More…

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Noise Changes Lives: The Story of Our Campaign to Reduce Noise Induced Hearing Loss

The Story of Our Campaign to Reduce Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Noise is pretty easy to quantify but very hard to illustrate. For the last 40 years Cirrus has built its business and reputation on accurately monitoring and recording sound but had precious little to work with when it came to visually illustrating noise. That was always the challenge for our marketing department.

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[Press Release] Cirrus Research training expanded to include Noise at Work Awareness course

Noise at Work Awareness Training from Cirrus Research

Noise Monitoring specialists Cirrus Research have expanded their training academy programme, adding a new Noise at Work Awareness course. Aimed at Health & Safety personnel who require a basic understanding of the noise regulations, it is also suitable for those who are new to noise assessments as well as a useful revision for people who have not been involved in Read More…

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