How to measure noise safely as you return to work after/during lockdown

Following the adjustment in the UK lockdown guidance, many of you may be starting to return to work. If you’re tasked with measuring and monitoring noise, you may be wondering how best to do it while ensuring you keep to social distancing guidelines. Here are some of the things you can do to stay as safe as possible while gathering Read More…

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Fight noise nuisance with Trojan and NoiseAid

With the UK Coronavirus lockdown entering its eighth week, it’s more than likely that if you working for a local authority or housing association, you’ve seen a sharp rise in the number of noise nuisance complaints from your residents. This is only natural, as more and more people are staying at home, unable to escape some of the noise that would normally occur when they’re out at work or running errands.

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Our Team Goes The Extra Mile To Support Key Businesses During Covid-19 Pandemic

With all the doom and gloom in the news recently, we wanted to share something a bit more uplifting, which comes from within our own ranks! We wanted to pay tribute to those members of our team who are still doing everything they can to keep our business moving, and supply all our customers with the equipment and services they Read More…

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Do I still need to calibrate my noise measurement instruments during the Covid-19 lockdown?

It’s week four of the UK Covid lockdown and while several organisations are currently in hibernation, there are many others who are continuing to operate as normally as they can, and those in key sectors who are working like troopers to keep the country going. Many businesses are beginning to plan for when things get back to normal, and many of them have asked us: “do I still need to get my instruments calibrated during the lockdown?”.

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